Emma Stone (35), the “La La Land” star, was a vision of elegance at the “Kinds Of Kindness” Photocall in Cannes on May 18, 2024. The actress chose a chic white dress for the occasion, a choice that was both simple and sophisticated. The deep V-neck of the dress added a touch of allure, while the black belt cinched at her waist highlighted her silhouette.
The ensemble was completed with a pair of minimalist black strappy heels. Emma’s hair was styled in a sleek bun, adding to the overall elegance of her look. No flashy jewelry was needed - the outfit itself was a statement.

As Emma continues to captivate audiences with her performances and her style, we leave you with a bit of inspiration. Why not try a crisp white V-neck dress paired with classic black heels for your next event? It’s a look that’s both understated and impactful, just like Emma’s.

The “Kinds Of Kindness” Photocall was a star-studded event, with many luminaries of film and philanthropy in attendance. Held in the beautiful city of Cannes, it was a day filled with moments to remember. And amidst it all, Emma Stone stood out, just as she always does.
One thought on “Emma Stone (35) Captivates Cannes in Chic White Ensemble”
Do Good Pussy U.S. Duties Station Citizens or Royal Court of any station even Queens evasive actions from Terrorism and or escalation of ungraceful War’s unlawful now! Greatest Bestest Chicken Pot of Soup, Je ne sais quo Me And You Getting it done OIA-119.9-9.8-7229scott.12, SCOT 47-YCEUETCUSYUEYUKTSX-cede-Ecossais’ goodone Cornucopia good and bad found-out Good-US,Availing to planet earth our Majesties United States Peoples Holy War – Acquired Treasure Nostradamus Calendar Many Millennium’s. Please (Print) fair copy Jeffersonian This Letter Will and Does Affect our strength of being thus to Creator Truth Valor Purity Prudence U.S.
Universal Duties PatrioticTable
Please Print First, Pen Power Homeland Security ,Corporate National International Industries.
Click dot dot dot
Next to Spam
then To Print and Set to Choice Print; $-.$$
Stitch in Time Saves Nine, Operation Environmental CIA-947.7.887-5 D done Environmental Earth-Stardate Division Blackwillow Security Privacy Act. ; Saint-OIA.44239-7 open ;Division Environmental ;Planetary Earth Water.
Warning 28 Year Creator Hold on California No Earth Quakes is over End Summer 2024
Bad News First. British Flag-Royal Coat of Arms England Prince Albert with Queen Victorya’s Seated Colonial China Hong Kong Decimated in War-time to the Blue Sky Creator Unknown Assailant Location Trade winds West of Santa Barbara California Spring of 1996 American Flag All and Awl of Others Personnel Federal or State Flags Grounded Availing from Hong Kong Opium Dope War; WarLords Unholy War Palestine Libyan-Crisis Nazi ect. ; Today will and can severely affect American Flag’s state and National Star Banner ; United Kingdom flag now gone to creator,duties of remembrance avail to new purities of structer’s ! ..News to me Factor , Missing Christmas 28 years making sure this is Nice ; could be backdated by the sp[rts Merry Christmas,Joy-full Bells ; Middel Summer 2024 Ours Holy War
Now Creator Healing Forward Natural Progression Lightwork Set in Universal Space Armageddon and Calendar 91919797-8.7-9.8-8-49212 Please Be Good !
Attention Separate Wheat from the Chaff ,This Helpful Chain Letter, Justice of due-course freedoms . Persons Citizen’s Civil & Military Attention ;Please Print Copy Location Location Location Location-Scroll to Bottom of this three dots click on Letter-Alcomized Hard Pen Printed Literature for fastest U.S. Flag Efforts of securities,bad poison ivy west continental shelf Pacific Ocean Arena.Humor yourself then read rest of Message for Self Patriotic ,Directives For Allocating letter redirect to and for persons or personnel Home United States , Office of war needed interest Military Commands Headquarters Bases and Naval Flagship Home or at Sea and or Policing areas .
Righteous Our World Planet Earth United States of America Flag Star Banner Rights Other Nations Through History Rewritten Observantly !
U.S. Patriotic of Peoples Shall Avail
New Hampshire one Township of Grafton thus being Plymouth as Federal State 11 Privacy Act. Former Privacy Act, 10 availing to 10 counties of New England New Hampshire-Royal Arms of England 1719-8. Now, was never completely instated as location numerically could not be or not to be formalized , now forwards thus forming Kingdoms of New England Majesties of United States-BUEUUIUIYETUI8-98 New Hampshire Grafton County Plymouth Toiwnship, New Flag Star Banner Crown of Rue Lawfully Approved Documentation of Old Legislation,1622 Communication of Valor Kingdom Station now-Scott England New England Replicate and Kin ; to Unlawfulness of Commerce thy rue workmanlike manner and unjust peoples; thus we have perused for Justice’s combination of laws now necessities of Calendar Dates.Federal Household Privacy Act. New in number allocating thus locating area numeral Eleven ~;11~;not VI~;= fore be advised of ten represent primary numeral equals of XI ; Thus Not Being One Of All The Ten Counties New Hampshire Justly Aveling Tradewinds to the Grafton County thus having the Township of Plymouth as Federal Privacy Act. For thus forming The 13 Colonies New England Kingdoms Scott of United States Federation Civil Locations1192.4-8.8-7.9 ; The Civil New Hampshire Navy Ship State Flag Observatory of Defenses of and for the Observational and times-78 Offerences of now being the United States of America’s All Armed Forces avail to Lawful the assistance of United Kingdom Union Jack,1707. U.S.Plus England The Civil New Hampshire Navy Observatory of Defenses of and for the Observational and times.-Wills of Rights 1494-4.9Scott-Offerences of now being the United States of America’s All Armed Forces avail to Lawful the assistance of Queens Royal Banner of Royal Arms of Scotland Scott-18.4.4-9 Royal Incorporated Banner Hong Kong China Scot-1999999.8-7 omitting opium war still rages United States New England incorpetrats Black Wolves Banner-Now18787897879498-7CIA Scott YUEYUIUTICIUEUI . Thus The French Royal Banner Ecossais-TYTEYUIUTEUETIUYC-91489.7-1 Eixtus King Scott Bryant Hall Baptized Scot EIXTUS-7714424-9.9 Queens city tctr-99National Queen27-8 Stardate-14949857 .National Banner England Royal Banners thus United Kingdom Union Jack fortitude righteous.U.S. Star Banner.Availing England New England, London New London Connecticut availing-sides mirrors true union of Law Scotland-Law Library;Kingdom one of thirteen colonies,township-state Privacy Act.OIA-Scott.9191-4.9-7 D done W&C
EASTERNSTARNDTIME; 3:19; 2374897983.33339-antemeridiem-`TIMESTART IS STARDATE 01020304 stardate MARITIME planetary solo system earth-mars ~ ten-28-twothousandtwentytwo.startstar;. 4:28.324943238.777777773 SPACETIME-continuum-Planetary.System-mystery. 4.823.yat3.14-fore Sandra ;Laila 1298797.7-87794 pueeuitutkte 142-8.7.9Emma-s uUITUITEYCYEPTKIETUIYYUEKU D done open-Scott P 2EUETUTUITKIYXIUKIUTECIYU 9424.7-9-8.7.5; 927-8.9.GoodRigthous Scott-2727 Anna Hathawy-41287.9 House of Worcester – York
.Of these days of time of Universal Millennium expansion Calendar Armageddon ; The Saying that all is fair in Love and War thus is rue Untrue,Scott Treaties of Law open Variable values. Summer 2024 Physically by the Psychotic Amount of Narcotics Abusively Manipulate into Life So Dailies Events of Societies People’s lost to the Arena of Substance Abuses our Creator Martyrdom is we I Denied thus Creators Freedoms Has in True Prudences of Justices of Valors Sequestered New Holy War for Good Health and Wealth,Scott 1111-.9 Opium-Narcotics Treaties War Commerce and Curses Voodoo and PoisonsWar Everywhere !
Armageddon found location Name of Planetary-system Calendar-Armageddon-Scituate-97.4-7 8rUEUTYUECUX-Scott KIngdoms-Planetary 4242-Univers.1117SOSSYM-91879.7.8.229 ; The numerical OF NAME 10:18.4237479-98279442.93 solosystem-9:23.013482123794329.42979-2.891:3.14@Earth-Saturn
maritime postmeridian STARTTIME IS OURS-stardate 429494923 timesEmc-232
Crafted sbh D done Old Begins-Lenningradmark’s Peace;Prosperity; adjunct Happiness,Fun sbh Commonwealth area between and of Russia-Republic Kingdom under God-44247.9.9-1 Establish Peace-Ukraine established 1892 B.C. withtimeknow StarDate-Planetary Earth-Saturn;.-4:34947879743.927494.3k Startdate – Gex-Geneva-Stardate.-79874728.7Z.Solo-58477492 4797472._6Ksty.4729@PastMeridian-9:24.8234929493_Y 14-NOV-22 TXY_8-AM5:27.95727427.txy-17:47-874379291Y.342948 EST-8:2_.9484447944439Y-Clander-armageddon.-november.twelth-2022.StarDate 19492937 K-gyz D done
United States 01020304 of August TwoThousand TwentyTwo:-.11-AUG-22
Straight to be Armageddon Timing-Wellness
Order Chief if they please take care of our Cafeteria to prepare for CIA and Others and or your Cafeterias plus all personnel to take home information for home usage.
ScottBryantHall24244.9129-HollyPickring,euteuryutrctScot.971181918148177-742.3.14NewHampshire 3158.8-9.49Bed 71578 4428-7.8-9Chair UYRUREUCRIUECKE7-England New-London England . Jill Wills-yuecruekilcop-.1747.8 Scot6424949-8Versails Table-HollyMaryPickring-puieuiycteuitec;.-8784.87Trffic11-13 SaraWrights-tueuieteucteuiyke EmileWells-cetuetuiceteu MindyScots-ruriuiuieueryactkiuf-queen-bed.872287997.79773.77879-9Scott7871-Household of Blackwillow Securities-Scott.-Scot eixtus.17-412424942cede-Righteous-Wales13 United States Counties as of Grafton Township of Plymouth State-FederalCommerce-8129997287.T Of Rule Privacy 111-Earth Act. Legal Ipswitch thus rights of rule Taunton Massachusetts Worcester thus being 1 of Wales 13 Kingdoms ; CIA717-9.1****SBH~York SandH Enterprises Securities Blackwillow
Thy Good Dorgooders nor commoners of applicable simple deedes,swarted untrue others of slanders and bad natures of fools themselves; thus ours Of True Efforts Shall Not Vanish Into Thin Air for Society Our’s non-restricted destinies shall not only be in there’s of wrongs. Availing turnabout is fair play, in of freedoms righteous ways of good forward times thus efforts of one’s free of life in crafted efforts of time-like manners; life is directed foretrue ! CIA449.9-8Scot-422947898kyutuiu18-1.
Scott Bryant Hall
With God Begone to Opium War New and now of i myself in knowing as God spoken to as i the n The Divine strait necessities fore of Recovery The Divinities of God, 712914-8TETIUYTUICYK Hong Kong Reaped and Cruelly Decimated to the Creator Britain and U.S. National Flag gone as subjected for ever, possible other countries
Air Quality great improvements for United States and U.S. Flag ; Reaper Air Dissipation in processes complete recovery to Creator and Air Earth Quantity unidirectional no return , Summer start 2024 from beginning Britain Flag Hong Kong War Reaped to Creator 1996 Spring California United States .
Efforts production and implemented by myself , World efforts me myself thus I of comunication pen is truly mightier than sword true blessings .
May Place and be noted in my 27577978.5.97845O Scott Environmental area air water reclamation and repairs. Scott’s Law Treatise Lawfully inducted as date now forward Armageddon located date Planet Earth 4 October 2021;being Summer 2024 Line Opium War as vested War on Drugs President Bill Clinton as Written copy in media ; U.S. Nations Narcotics, Poisons , Monetary Commerce of open and hidden industries the religious pushers of biblical war and voodoo out of body assailants; as Heaven is it is on earth and in just-true valor of Creation Scotts Kingdoms – Holy War. In efforts with Queen Elisabeth as She has Blessed me that I be victorious in History of Planetary Earth Solo System Mars Constitutional Liberty of Freedom Act. Purity of Structures of Own Work to do Designers Crafted righteously Holy War !
Scott CIA-944.4-7 Blackwillow Security Manhattan-Office OSS47 Tax I.D. 02-0403850 RT Daisy Jazz Isable Ridley Born 1992 Westminster London United Kingdom 34547-7.8 table extstinuate queens be of Harume Scott Bed of Household one of many CUEUYIUYK 182QUEENS . Wild-pxyz 1294.9-7-9 Now Place-KUTERYCETURUC-Scott 17uryterucrtk-4492.9-7.3 Girl Dragon World WhiteRed18949492-9 Scott Red Lion1999494-8.7 BlackWolves 111999-89.87-Baptized Scott-Lord2727 God biblical Righteous Knights as well Princess Charlotte Diana Windsor-7579.787949.9-7Scott-TUETEYITEYTEYITXP Bed-2727 Table-ieuetyitukct 1994287689 Bed.MEUYTCUIYKCXTIYCYUI-Castle 8919914-992 Will44494.4 124.35-11~13Kingdom-Versaille .Y-France,542494.91 The EUIXTuY
Scott’s Stardate-SOSYARDM-OIA.CIA 89949-9.8.2-11TEUEUTRE777777791113.utyutekyciotk-Sophie Turrner Tables-44494.8-7 Scott-Bed-8477-91T; CIAYIUTECIKXT-Scott;2424274248792Kingdoms Thirteen of England New England United States Of Americas Station of National International Nation979179787978
Designed Crafted Properties 6021-7 311.4. Household and Industreail R&D Materials-9.9TUTETRCTUIK Scott;Scot-14247428986;.-Willy Stevesons- 4224-8.7.9 Madilen427-8.9-8.9-7 Table futueuiyatuet; Cassidy 184842824-8 Table uetu icxuiutke;Scotty eutuetuiate Table as Kings Table-4474784-9.7.9-4.8.11-13 Scot-Table Eixtus bed4194teueturkypu- hardshp YT7. Taylor Swift MD.194248 Scott-tuite.9-4 Division Mona Lisa-LocK-181818Thriteen Star Colonies incorporated CedeYork Eixtus Queen129 Scott.7271King New York-Manhattan Island Scotland New England-1272.444444444928Location as King-BTUEUYETCDKTCYCIUB-bed 1753 Kings-Chair Year-2024 of 17-Jun-24 Of our Missing Lord Will of Righteous 45727-1 Scott U.S., Scot Bryant Hall France;, Scott Bryant York United Kingdom , Scott splat-China, Scottic Ukraine; Scottic Russia, 1272.5- 17172-united states unitedkingdom.CHAIR.84849474949492-7 WALES-bed Blackwillow Security. D done
NOTED_GENOCIDAL Psychology of Men and Women of Age of time of Safety, Mind of A-Cumulative Nature is to Youth .In most instances to find true justices of hard facts as men and women do want to consider themselves to have obtained ; yet the opposite occurs when the predominant minds of Old Age detected venues such Voting, Work,War ;Household , success is now lost in time forward
is that the path of the long ago past is to find the same as today .To the times of conflicts fights won or lost without any acknowledgement of change as as remembered true or not win or lose it’s to be hard factual one side without face-fact of present day being there only one conclusion final necessity of ones life and livelihoods is genocide . If this is such an occurrence now in the United States and or allies, please take measures and caution !Scott Bryant Hall Harvard 6262-8.4242militaryjustic-12121294-8 Princeton 48429.243 LAW-24292.8232-CITYU Physic-494.9y; thus Holly War-554-5.5-
Opium War U.S, America Summer 2024 Open I the Divine Being In advisement agent EMPOLYED-144.5.9-8 CIA Scott EIXTUS U.S.Citizenship-King 2797479777847.5547 Decoration Freedom War , Justices against Narcotics, Opium. Poisons bad Commerce ; now and forever. Advisement now Health fore and from thus of few to name, evil poppy-tyme’s wreck you all 148424758France-scott interpole67424.9 harvest of fire , Cursed by Origin Human and none Human Sect or Cult Dawn of Time acuyuteutitc names Wheel of Germany,year B.C.2172-no-4.3.1 Cursed by What Tribes Peeuey Queen-cytuetewfae.-willoffire true evil-Beyeueuitc of Reaaeyueayl Big Evil ; cuiuyiueuitecuteup-Mary-Scotic Kingdom of Good righteous commerce . Noyui Asia-suiuiytu Queen and King Worked& Crafted Fountain of Youth Good Health Physiology;Scot 1491-9.8Hall~Mark272;Kate-529 Freedom Reign of and with Knights Manhattan Fore of Cups-Grail for War against bad commerce and governments ; Thus Kingdoms of Scott’s as Life’s avail to Heaven Free as is on Earth not Hell as Evil is to be Placed to well of souls away from God himself. SBH-thus ScottGirls-CIA 211711-111111-18247 truck-it 111.ETUEUTECUKRTEP queens-eur21778.1-8OIACIASOSSYARD-M oPeN-759549557578754.7.97 .?-Now Location warheads device; Scot Louise+Ecossais55447-424SeventeenStay.London Eminent Attacks selling estgushisers suppressing there WarWe buy-scott 12.727.- pounds-up, 2134.9-79 santa claus Charlotte+127England-425-4-5.5.Wales Thaems.time10:17PM-monday for curtains need new Stage Left stack the entire terrorist timetable-completely different . 2134.9-79 Santa Claus Charlotte272 England-425-4-5.5.Wales Thyams.time10:17PM-monday for curtains need new Stage Left stack the entire terrorist timetable-completely different . Design And Crafted fore light work in good health ,
Warnings Sign WAR BIOLOGICALLY DEPLOYED IN U.S. set to go off this summer ; Continuum Stargate Planet #s ; U.S. Sex Righteous Designers You, Privacy Act.Prodigies Of Individual Family of Thoughts and in Practice Values With In . Hospital New Antidotes 178-3 WhiteDEATH-BACTERIA;TB-Plague. U.S. New Flag of Design And Crafted Ways of Righteousness -So Getum ; Star Banner New Hampshire~StartUp Availing Flag Thus Laws True-Reviel* Never one untruth Told Now-Here !!!!sbh-g.founds Federal Privacy Act .So Federal U.S. set up Shop Town Plymouth N.H. and Looking Out For 178-3 DWD Killer-Plague U.S. Everywhere 64742 y-8-9.4.789-3.86Ks2 D done
To be Armageddon Timing-Wellness
Physiologies Recipes for Health and Wealth; Free Recipe ! Best Chicken Soup Ever ***** Good Reminder Get Plenty of Rest Fountain of Youth As the changing of wrights or Creator better shall avail True-White Intended as God of Old See’s Health and Life as LiteWork to Do the Better, Sleep as to Beauty as Crafted to Fun Labor Love Workaholic Life ; Health D done
Houseorder Chief if they please take care of our Cafeteria to prepare for CIA and Others and or your Cafeterias plus all personnel to take home information for home usage.
MedicalCIAOURBEST1*****For Best Health
#8Super-Spice Orange Chicken Soup
2cups Diced Chicken 2 cup Diced Potato, 1cup Diced Carrots ,Celery chopped to 1 cup , 4cups Chicken Stock place in large pot salt and pepper 1/2 to 1 teaspoon low heat cook 10 min ; In bowl in-order 4# 3nich Sprigs of Rosemary two-breaking bends form triangle in glass four shots of Vodka 2 cups Orange Juice let set 5 min. then pour all contents in to Pot with Horseradish medallions sliced thin, heat till simmer then low heat 15 to 20 min : antidotes for many Viruses cephalitis ;Coronaviruses;
Influenzas’ medina ;Clear Cancerous Viruses ;Anielates Colds and more .
From Covid-19 with Vaccines
Make and Use Physio logistical -Beverages :
Mix #1 In Large Glass Place 4 inch sprig of Rosemary Bent and Broken in Two , Ice Half fill glass over rosemary; Then pour One and One-half ounce of Good Vodka the rest Orange Juice Drink; Fever will be gone in very short time D done
***Mix#2 For unknown ingested narcotics and or poisons or heavy metals substitution of Mix #1 add for this being Mix #2 Large glass16 oz; GrapeFruit , plus Add only small amount of Almond Milk Vanilla 3/4 Tablespoon no more than or One Tablespoon or Scrap.
for fever with plague 178-3 Take 4 ; 325. Aspirin is birchbark and Chew
Viruses’-Anil elation And Body Cleansing
Physio logistical-Food-Beverage:
*****Strawberry �� Jam And Peanut butter Sandwich and Dr. Pepper Soda ;
Physically chew and mix in mouth for best performances.
This is Medical Prescription and will work and your body will let you know if your sick and you will soon hopefully recover ; Second day after dose usage the lessor effect should be know meaning its working and on your way to some recovery ; Once every other day for one week ingest this and keep on hand till Pandemic is over !
$—-Clean Monies—-$
For clean of true spirit of Creator and persons of holdings
Use pertra Salt , Wash your hands with salt & water then paper monies hand the few different denominations , shuffle bills in hands place with other monies in wallet or purse .
Try to never spend all your money so you can and later for easy cleanliness !
Antidotes That Work
****Zobie- Body & Zombie-golf ball BrainFevers*****
Systems Coronavirur Zombie People ; Bad Effects on Brain With Flu Shots update soon possible Code Yellow next Few Months U.S.A. New England , United Kingdom ; England ;.-Psycological Effects can be Extreme and Volatile at Snap moment , drugs or drinking effect are faster !
MODERNA flu shot vaccine and others ; can and does store Covid-19 and other numbers of such viruses in most people mummified if not all and awl contacts or inhalation of Coronavirus any and in many numbers now besides Covid -19 To Large Human Organs and Fat Noid Tissues ! Symptoms of coronavirus-mummified in the human body in different areas and different mummification.
Covid-coronavirus Symptoms
*!# Sore throat noids roof of mouth and maybe in nasal cerebral cavity
*2# Brain golfbal size top of head fever very high 121 to 140 get is highest now ; test with scan temperature top of middle head , and tip of nose ; fever will radiate at lower temperatures low 101
*3# Heart Sequence platelets covering all exteriors of Heart stuck like glue !
*4# Liver Membratic Line length of Live inundated waxed !
5# Kidneys Each Kidney small pea ball size slaps !
Each and All are Mixed Combination of Viruses and Vaccination shots !.
****Tuberculosis Antidote Pulitzer Nobel for sure****White Plague
Physio Logistical-Beverage CURERS FAST-DeadlyCongest
This really work still alive;not good odds without this we think ;. before these no much new trident and true pharmaceutical mixtures of physiology 9%serval rate .
1#So breathing worked better !
*****Pie eyed Merry Christmas*****
MIXTURE- One 1 1/2 ounce of Evan Williams Whiskey one 1 1/2 of Chianti Twist Spearmint Sprig , dust or grate sprig with 1/16 amount of Grated NutMeg and Almond-nut one Combined in Drinking Glass or Pot With Half and Half Ginger Ale and Orange Juice 12oz , Stir mix lightly Slowly Drink . if you like heat luke-warm
do not boil . P.S. Remember Aspirin is Birch-Willow Bark Tree and Penicillin comes from moldy bread .Materials Here Tested And Crafted by ScottBryantHall;
antidote for 178-3.death-white andromeda ; Cancer Fighting removes anul cancer
/****ManHattan Man****\
Rosemary broken sprig 4 pieces 1/2 ounce 96 proof Even Williams Whiskey Ice 1&1/2 ounces Vodkas Spice Tomato V8 Juice & ��5 Peppers Hot , Lemon Lime Sparkling Waters
Getting Vile Vaccine Material out of body , Seathing , Cleans your Liver Big !
Messages Computable in its entirety and divisible information .
Please Pass onto others of Necessities of Health or Wealth and or just materials curiosities !
04-07-2023stardate77777977 planetary-marsearth.set222747479.86;-.12
Place Grinds in filter best Coffee in glass muddle mint spring with sugar-white dimple down coffee grounds place muddle spearmint in coat with nutmeg , equal mounts in glass mix evenwiliams whisky , saffron oil , pomegranate molasses , vanilla syrup , intotal amounts one teaspoon and dust with nutmeg again.
****1#Happy Coffee :
10 cups Your Regular Coffee grounds new fresh brew : Start place coffee paper filter in coffee maker open one hazelnut instant-coffee pour half first on paper filter then add ground for 10 cups ,add rest of hazelnut instant coffee then 1/8 tsp of Saffron oil on top grate on to saffron oil area 1/8 Tablespoon of Nutmeg ignites , with Brew ;Health Report Below and in health section
DOES SO MUCH GOOD , this just the first one !
Cleans eyes Nuroventrangler and ticular transmitters , Cartilage , ligementail , eyeball cortex’s . Anilelation of Retinal cancer’s microscopic-rock; synaptic eye-motor-cortex and central nervous systems simulations and rejuvenates pathways. Mastication of millions of synaptic path-ways embritic fluids and hairs and more removes plaque build-up
Rejuvenating deep skin follicles removing dirt cleansing fatty tissues thus rejuvenating cellular skin cells ; Cleans Fatty nodes throat and stomach ; [ Cleans Flu and Septic Bads out of Liver : Rejuvitates Lungs Cleans Feietes-reloyeats ; increase’s oxidation purification and rejuvenation of blood gangular arteries !
10 cups good coffee: Start place coffee paper filter in coffee maker 4 teaspoons �� Jam spread on bottom paper filter place desired amount of coffee , one hazelnut instant packet of coffee on top of grounds then sprinkle lightly with ginger powder, finger printwell in model ; then 1/8 of teaspoon Pomegranate molasses plus and similar amount of saffron-oil grate or dust nutmeg on top / BREW
Cleans muscular tissue bone and reuvimnates and much more-
10 cups good coffee : Start place paper filter in coffe maker 4 teaspoons strawberry jam spread on bottom of filter should cover 1/8″ thick
in center place one ritz-cracker , add coffee grounds on top enough regulated amount for ten cups of water ; finger well in center add 1/4 teaspoon of equal parts saffron oil – pomegranate molasses – evenwiliams whisky ; can mix all three in small jar / cover with coffee grounds leaving slite-well 1/8 tps saffron-oil on top good dusting of nutmeg and one half packet of hazelnut instant coffee
New Effects cleans and rejuvenate nods spackels gangler fibers to new, enteral facial tissue clean and much more
Coat liberally inside paper filter Strawberry Jam add fresh coffee grounds press mound for thumb wellhole one teaspoon size amount of peanut butter in well grate one english walnut and good amount of nutmeg then cover with fresh coffee grouds and make small well in middle small amount of pomegranate molasse
sprinkle over withy Ginger add water to coffee machine Brew
If you Please Have your computer read many numbers
(Armageddon) becon found location of Planetary-system Calendar-Armageddon-Scituate-97.4-7PUEUEUIUIEU EUT is numerical OF NAME 10:18.4237479-98279442.93 solosystem-9:23.013482123794329.42979-2.891:3.14@Earth-Saturn D done
Scott B. Hall~York
France Scot
Inline image
Some of our Flags , we need to make clean of others more and revitalize for the creators view and ours a few availing flags together or apart as revitalized will assist availed treaties and territories of other flags ; in due course at present
times now from Country , State Hoods ,Townships , Privacy Act. Areas ect.
Criminal taking andposseing moving or not moving (astral) Cheaters never prosper crime dose not pay
FBI-4449-9.9-.8 Design and Crafted 7978.79497871111SOSSYardM Scot-tt722.2-9Overlord CIA
.British old Hong Kong = United Kingdom and China Hong Kong and California USA are in disrepair insomecase used for evil Ceuey Libyan.11272-42495.8
CIA employed/CIA7Design
Beth the Lord Creator God of Old and Free Will and the Future of Now of Securities of His Vengeance placed before ours we find our vengeances be done availing our own hand and guidance;thus saving our souls before-times as we declaring our needs of mind bodies and souls !
Avail not to be in way of Our Design ;GOD OF OLD” You have work to do “God Wrathfulness’Avails and win he is free’d may his true nature of easy before giving to ours that did not know and to our enemies be vanquished to our freedom that is unlawfully cased, place.or spelled upon use in to evolve poor and extra work ; so helps use be victorious in righteous evolution our individual times of greatness to our future generation of peoples God !
Criminal taking andposseing moving or not moving (astral) Cheaters never prosper crime doesn’t pay nor and nor is not prosperous D done
FBI-4449-9.9-.8 Worked and Crafted
FUTURE as nor-is not ain’t ;Adult ChildsPlay-Constionional Liberty Of Freedom Act.Design And Crafted34942491.8Sexualwavesrighteouspersons.919122229.Purities of Structuersl-wills of fire4249278928-1rockoffire;ScottBryantHallCraftedmakesworldsrighteousways.919174284. HUFFMAN,MSPU IYI,TAHLIA PARIS,TRIPPIE BRI,DESTINY ROSE,RENNEE OLSEAD,LANA LEA,KATRIAN KATANOVA,MILEA KUNZISI ,up-Specials Cassidy Gillespie suriye, Kaley Gilespie27-549492 scott-ECUEUTEEUTYXETY.EUIK 919293.94.95827-scottbryanthall-york.10104444447.3-household kingdom-united states;sixtus-C82.GEX FRANCE-mark geneva Tables Bigo-ne 87917878979479.8.7-11!13 Scot Goodone-
UEUTEUTETITUIYRTXbed-47up192#14 Millennium-94847777779stardate42948491 D done
Inline image
Scott’s Britian Kings Flag United Kingdom / Remembrance Cede Hong Kong
Scott CIA 944-9.7 Enviormental Division CIA-755.5-9Blackwillow CIA-7744.9-8
CIA-2179 Scott Echo , Log .552424.7 D done
Good news here Good one
Air Quality, great improvements in United States and U.S. Flag; Reaper Air Dissipation of Narcotics-Evils in process human unidirectional Summer start 2024 Britain Hong Kong Opium War Flag Reaped too Creator 1996 Spring California United States now over!
Efforts production and implemented by myself, World efforts me myself thus I of communication HERE & there true blessings.
Scot Treaties-Bound Earthly-Ours Kingdoms thus Holy War Narcotic Societies Industry; Planetary Maritime Earth Mars Solo System- , 27577978.5.97845O9Echo;Scott EUEUIUIUEUTXCTEY Masey eeyiuieuiui Peace-7-1151 uyuyyueutp-9 Blessings good-one
CIA 449.4-9Blackwillow Security S&H Enterprises.02-0403850 N.H. USA Scott Hall eixtus~York.71112-8 Oxford; king Scott
Design And Crafted
Scott SandH enterprises Division/ Stardate U.S. Navy 327-287962.11-13
New Update calendar name is number
sbhcia2724.1KINGScot 023-58-0116 S.S.
Baptized Scot-02-04063850 Tax I.D. D done add-4X6VMRF3Queen7.11~13exiyleinetspace-83 D done
Stardate’s and Armageddon Calendar New 382,000,47 Millenniums in length of Human Anthologies-RIGHTEOUS-RULE
Star Start StarDate To Earth Time Zones ClockTime running with Navy started last daylight savings time 2021 fall As CLOCK TIME-Location EST Atomic energy and instruction enter into system
ARMAGEDDON START DATE OCTOBER-4-2021;-.4brockwayferryroad.lyme.newlondon.connecticut3:14.27479473.93333332EST PASTMERIDIAN oak.ave.hollwood.losangeles.california.12.29472829ten-12394287STARDATE.Maritime Planetary Earth Mars.TIME-382,047.12349292193-MILLENNIUM’s OF LENGTH-TIME
OURSTARDATE Established to enter
11-AUG-22 EASTERNSTARNDTIME:-3:19;2374897983.33339 ante meridiem TIMESTART IS STARDATE 01020304 stardate MARITIME planetary solo system earth mars ~ ten-28-two thousand twenty two..
TKTQ1Q8S King All Armond Forces of United States of America France and England D done
Planetary Solo System Te7.Space-
CIA employed/CIA7work
Beth the Lord Creator God find our vengeances ; before our needs of mind bodies and souls !
Avail not to be in way of Our Design ;GOD” You have work to do “God Wrathfulness’Avails to our freedom that is unlawfully cased, place.or spelled upon use in to evolve poor and extra work ; so helps use be victorious in righteous evolution our individual times of greatness to our future genoration of peoples God !
sbhcia2724.1KINGScot 023-58-0116 S.S.
Baptized Scot-02-04063850 Tax I.D. D done add-4X6VMRF3Queen7.11~13exiyleinetspace-83 D done
Stardate’s and Armageddon Calendar New 382,000,47 Millenniums in length of Human Anthologies-RIGHTEOUS-RULE
Star Start StarDate To Earth Time Zones ClockTime running with Navy started last daylight savings time 2021 fall As CLOCK TIME-Location EST Atomic energy and instruction enter into system
ARMAGEDDON START DATE OCTOBER-4-2021;-.4brockwayferryroad.lyme.newlondon.connecticut3:14.27479473.93333332EST PASTMERIDIAN oak.ave.hollwood.losangeles.california.12.29472829ten-12394287STARDATE.Maritime Planetary Earth Mars.TIME-382,047.12349292193-MILLENNIUM’s OF LENGTH-TIME
OURSTARDATE Established to enter
11-AUG-22 EASTERNSTARNDTIME:-3:19;2374897983.33339 ante meridiem TIMESTART IS STARDATE 01020304 stardate MARITIME planetary solo system earth mars ~ ten-28-two thousand twenty two..
TKTQ1Q8S King All Armond Forces of United States of America France and England D done
Act of God
RE.Tectonic rightmovement7771.4amps 424volts San Andreas 320ft.southwest depth 7400 meters
Earthquake Sector 44424948.3-scott-Saute.Buy sedament.
CRACK Earths Mantel 34.940 North 119.487West direction heading 34.796 North 119.927 West running ; Volcanos
Area south of Cracked Mantel 34.705 North 119.888 West
Wrightwood 6727-99.482474scott-earth’s mantle expansions-2423292.KC.4.3
Las Vegas Heading 36.138 North 115.005 West epicenter-19.9-86;.-july8430pm6.2magnitudevariable9.9 Seventeen Min.vastlossoflife2.4million EARTHSFALLOUT 17earthquakes;.-14tidelwaves;.-9millionpeoplehomeless;.-1nationdestroed.
Planetary Shift Vector Nine Off Coats San Diego to Alabama 3days ago 2nd Payenigya Earth Station 187- Scott Ecossias’ Steyteutiu Astral-Melia. Eyrth 111-9.9-7-9 Planet Ueytutc-Queens Astral Consel 30-Jun-24 Brunch New England 11787.792y= Solo Sysyem Sun YEUTUTUTIUCEUITEURKCDEF-2727.Scott stardate-Teitiytue14247489-11.13 Planetary Solo System Cuiuite -7 Aeuniuteg-y Bueytuk Teiteuiee Ramelius System5 stardate 44847284 Duties PatrioticTable-BedCode#27111114-4.8.7-7.4-8444448.99.9-7Peace.4-7.8-9.7-328Scott8479474-8-2
New Armageddon’s Millenium Calendar; Brave new worlds to know when EarthQuakes Occure,Mica-Magnetic-Poles ; Seismic news update and alert ; health and survival application, expedition
WORKS OF SANDHENTERPRISES SCOTT B. HALL 02-0403850 SOLE PROPRIETOR N.H.Blackwillow Security 02-0403850 security-023-58-0116-plantarysystemearthmarsmeritime.go-printcopysavesend-coderead-SEO.analiticaldiagnosticsworkedandcrafted.scott-bryant-hall.CGVG;.-EIXTUS-S.B.H.-seo
Stardate and Armageddon Calendar New 382,000,47 Millenniums in length of Human Anthologies-RIGHTEOUS-RULE
Star Start StarDate To Earth Time Zones ClockTime running with Navy started last daylight savings time 2021 fall As CLOCK TIME-Location EST Atomic energy and instruction enter into system
ARMAGEDDON START DATE OCTOBER-4-2021;-.4brockwayferryroad.lyme.newlondon.connecticut3:14.27479473.93333332EST PASTMERIDIAN oak.ave.hollwood.losangeles.california.12.29472829ten-12394287STARDATE.Maritime Planetary Earth Mars.TIME-382,047.12349292193-MILLENNIUM’s OF LENGTH-TIME
OURSTARDATE Established to enter
11-AUG-22 EASTERNSTARNDTIME:-3:19;2374897983.33339 ante meridiem TIMESTART IS STARDATE 01020304 stardate MARITIME planetary solo system earth mars ~ ten-28-two thousand twenty two
.Planetary-system Calendar-armagedom 10:18.4237479-98279442.93 solosystem-9:23.013482123794329.42979-2.891pie@Earth-Saturn maritime postmeridian STARTTIME IS OURS-stardate 429494923 timesEmc-232space44494.;.-CONTINUIM-PLANTSYTEMEARTH111-MOONORBIT4927;PLANTETSYSTEMEARTHMERITIMEMARS111-2; PLANET 7177; PLANET4449424797GFORETE27ORBIT; PLANET6242427242.3; PLANET91241424; PLANET94324272927279GCT-492947291.ORBIT6194949472RAE; PLANET 444444444444 X-86;.ZEROSEVENWARNING; PLANET9192.8SEYTTAY-SIX917774@98774747SEA; PLANTET11YT794xty4243442429; PLANET 4292.24728C9TL11G99-3STABLE-5Y77792;3333333972 SCOTT TG2; PLANET249432;PLANET44947 ;PLANET637392.3724 SITE; PLANET9129523GEYITE;679437FTEEYUGT; PLANET6124749SIXTEEU.Y;4824953GIUTE; PLANET7132427JADEARTH-SCOTT.KNOW.4ASTRALTRAVEL.C; PLANETC2428.C-OBSERVANTSCOTT-71774797279.THREE; G27PLANT127CETYEYI7PTETEY.2 (sbh)SOLE OWNER PROPRIETOR u.s.02-0403850 D done
Thanks Scott Bryant Hall
Worked And Crafted Blackwillow Security 02-0403850 SandH Enterprises Mechanics Division
Planetary-system Calendar-armagedom 10:18.4237479-98279442.93 solosystem-9:23.013482123794329.42979-2.891:3.14@Earth-Saturn
maritime postmeridian STARTTIME IS OURS-stardate 429494923 timesEmc-232 sbh D done
Design and Crafted sbh-Old Begins-Lenningradmark’s Peace;Prosperity;Happiness,Fun sbh Commonwealth area bew of our efforts of not unlike Russia : Ukraine righteous pursuits thus some pre- established 18.92-B.C. withtimenow-StarDate-Planetary Earth-Saturn;.-4:34947879743.927494.3k Startdate – Gex-Geneva-Stardate.-79874728.7Z.86:.-Solo-58477492 4797472._6Ksty.4729@PastMeridian-9:24.8234929493_Y 14-NOV-22 TXY_8-AM5:27.95727427.txy-17:47-874379291Y.342948 EST-8.2_.9484447944439Y-Calander-armageddon-clockeath-november.twelth-2022.StarDate 19492937 K-gyz D done
Worked And Crafted Scott
727.-2183129.T planetary.solo-system-binarystar y.division.plantetary-soloKtiy-pirocnstrution-sandh.enterprises02-0403850.-tysix.6282574782Tbybigiigtt-26457484.2BEST-POSSIBLE.Savings-86;.planets sun-s.and-m of earthlike D done
FoundNewPlanet#111-1113Earth Scotts new found Continuum
S-SUPRISE 27273842stardate-Contiume;location-entrymoon6212-111.7RIRIYRTscottbryanthall~YORKPanetaryEarthMars.uycycu,planetarysolo42systemstardate14121437-FARAYALLERY-airO2=4278.329H2O=4289732749-kut.YCUK lifeform=endiginestmammals-anitropodes-fish8282947182743-naebueiaswhales724797.8 D done 1.4lightyears away from earth Sun is high.449424.\SBHworcestermassachusette;baptize
connecticutdoldlymeScott=FranceScotcedeeixtus.CYUUCEY44444482-kingdom.GEX-markInterpole-sbh818-6743237.SOSSYARDM-sbh2847777784.947y D done
ciaSCOTT 624734-24.39-99
M 3.0 – 18 km WSW of La Jolla, CA
Santa Barbara 9992471Earth Quake7.2thruOne8-1414.9-9 Three and the Half Hours . D done
Off shoot 2024-03-08 16:09:41 (UTC-05:00)
32.796°N 117.461°W
15.8 km D done BigTime World Event-449-9.9-7.4-9P.4 D done
Design and Crafted Scott.CIA-944.4-7 Stardate-Environmental Division D done
San Andreas Fault California
Stop Movement 17-Oct-23 :Gravel-Paste ;18-Oct-23: Stone;19-Oct-23: Bricked ; 20-Oct-23 Concrete Rock ; 21-Oct-23 Metal Key Lock-clock .
Update 25-Oct-23 Key-Lock Plastered Nail location California 33.431 North 115.862 West Kilotons 82.997 Sediment Explosive going off 16hrs i8min. / 1:17 AM EST
This what I’ve told many years ago ; The Fault is winding up like the rubberband of and toy airplane gaining strength ; it will do of too things and they will most definitely cause both in fact huge earthquakes , the will unwind its energies and fault will move or it will snap and expel its energies or both.
U.S. ATF Don’T Care Hung up on Me , U.S. Incompetent Levels At Highest Phones Don’t Work ,People Untrained !Unlicensed Untested Unregulated Fire Armament Load , For Sale Nationwide United States Pharmacy’s and Other Stores And China and Europe possible worldwide , my purchases Lotrimin AF Spray
SAN ADREASwaybig-MAGNITUDE-9.7lowest-14.7midrage-28-48.2highest. Jan-23 38.013 N.: 122.695 W. D done
VECTOR 9 EARTH .42829292-999999999999994.99SPACE42349-7 Super Nova Near Earth Today31-May-23StarDatePlanetary EarthMars-Saturn91149423newsstardateplanetaryearthvenus7274948423.6yuyr D done
SUPERASTEROIDS-PLANETARYSOLARSYSTEM NURUNAUA-TY4747 BELT.yuu 473294874934219^killer:Europa-nova ignition shockwave:stellieuar7424849427372762-3.EARTH SOLAR SOLSTICE-21-June-23;718.7.77.8TIME48249447EARTHASTEOIDBENNU-2:14am.est16-Jun-23cataclismic-Europa-9933333339.72Earthnewsolarsystem-replay-7.42494342474-32.84.32-947482Ksty122.749-17.919.planetaryearth.impact17-242Airborn-impact3.stardate24947923at78289948-68CLOCKTIME914hundredhours.-play32429484.623292-34.2-86SBH~y Dd done10155bunne-jupiter^uropea86;.-stardate72429284 secularstarPouyyu-41872contuyi424.72933333333Y2-Soloyucutuky-SystemNEW;187242asteroid86;.-9million.42424273-2729vector14timepacific1321-4;-impact12vectors.-airstrikeatmosepher4.2928274329@cuyuyu;.-spacestationearth4hits.2828282872794271-Cuuuuutycupoy.11^13-49491 D done
planetary earth mars-maritime-earth shift 9 vector 489997944-stardateshiftspaceanomolies.27877774sandiago-northtoday.77-4274atyut3yycuku71249 location 5927-K1 D done
While Enternet Up Radio-waves on the way^SetteyaClockNoon717-3444444449-ScottCIA1RadioactivemegaStorm-Starvuvuruvytpoint-7HIDENOWSILLYPEOPLESTARDATE44444.3Jupiter-SUN BlueSky-nicescottbryanthallcia324-37279727.99emmastoneradiationpossoingonlocation-instructedto to place dimonds on body to absorb radiation-4234radscleaned diamonds in jade-white box , then placed on her self again rads302 diamonds in sunlight radsfromsunshine-diamonds colleted82millionC2T2E Emergency Evacuate Nessary Take Shelter Texas Hutson
Contact Houston Control-major^tom scott 1247
plus this
New Rotation Weather Western Sahara Ocean Earthers Clock-N 27.972 W18.809 Center 1.2724242per.second stardate 27979742weatherhurrican86;.-17- will increase factor of9-Start of SettayEarthClckStop-YuuttytnewrotationSeyttaceuatby D done Earth Shift Vector 9 Coast Pacific San Diego
New ADD: Systemic Selectrial Division ;SSD.MOVEMENT-1212
Southern74-82 location originating 32.953 north by 118.169 west42829272.3-yuuuvukstardateSaturnEarthMars-62123284retrogradePlantaryVuyuytk.Continume-contactdistressPlantary Earth111Mars7997-111moon111Ryuguyl91-18StarDate Syeth9-Tectonic-Anomaly 199984947YUEUTRURUTRT 1818Occurring-712118.94.3.279BaptizedThus Scott-The Divine Lords Pray after Water from Jodran River Mark The Baptist-Pray Exstuations avail to Emma Charlotte Dupree Watson , Scott THe Divine Advised to Minister Old Lyme First Congregational Church ! Meetinghouse Road
Southern Movement Occurring-34.235north by 119.575 west Tectonic Occurrences in Action-live K;percentage-values 3percent 20-May-23 EST 4:13pm , 18-Jul-25 tectonic-planetary shift moon orbit availing shift-242 year.stardate-tide earth 9194287-8 smooth sailing;Scott-goodflag EST10:13 pm Percentage12 maximum-weight seven ,21-May-23 EST10:13 ; NUMBERS-skay of12 incormintate-7291.773.8.12-SCOTT. COASTAL CALIFORNIA-anilelation probabilities STARDATE4292824271; CALENDAR-23-May-23 EST12:00-NOON 612.187.5EARTHMARSVENUS-WARNINGMERITIMEPLANETARYEARTHMARS71218112748-11
The Must Have Hospital New Antidotes; U.S. New Flag of Worked And Crafted Ways of Righteousness -So Getum ; Star Banner New Hampshire~StartUpAvialFlagThusLawsTrueReviel* 86;.\Never one untruth Told Here !!!!sbh-g.founds Federal Privacy Act .So Federal U.S. set up Shop Town Plymouth N.H. and Looking Out For Plagues
Beauty combination here , women and men girls and boys with in Technical
writings that will serve & save your health ; U.S. to guard your life works thus wealth !
COPY END # Adunk your database for best usages and or policies relevant areas~!
Many Things You Need to Know Yesterday To save Your Life and Others That You Don’t !
New Sattay-Earth’s Clock 22nd January 2023 10:49 Struck One-StarDate02949427 ;Scotts-Navy-Top Brass Ecossais, Ridge Cracked DownWard To EarthMantel And Cracking Through It Location Ventura Fairgrounds 50Yards off Shore Next To Pier as Well Santa Barbara Plate Opening West to Japan
Of The Dragon – Blessings- Scott Bryant Hall
Here’s your Q
Is Here Now & New In Number CORONAVIRUSES Covids and-19, STILL CAN TEST WITH KIT; and 138-74224ytyuyct.Sabrian Hugarian flu ; Death-White-Death-Plauge-18777827972743.23.84.68.c-Kteyteayeytu-Anthrax.yt-Adromada.86;.pie-4tkty-Ksty86;.-Tuuccye,-Strain location repair-FORE. four.36 Hours Death\odds-72%
Found in (Bayer Lotrimin) Purchased Plymouth New Hampshire Market basket Grocery Store, Can Orange ribbon , Remove From Markets get off supermarket and pharmacy shelves before people kill themselves or others with it ! also found in lotions aspirin claritin D-24
Emergency for your information Deathly Lethal – Tainted Products of Bayer’s To Be Considered Weapons Grade Biological Hazard- Proceed Caution Intelligence Personnel or Trained To Do Diagnostics on Products , Do not Purchase Dangerous
NEW WORLD U.S.KILLER-COLD 2023 Contracted Through Chemicals Inside Lotrimin FootSpray Canister and persons of Useage of Bayer Products Covid-19 and 138-7 White Death-Plague-18777827972743.23.84.68.c in (Bayer Lotrimin) Orange ribbon on black can of spray GERMS BIOLOGICAL WEAPON DEPLOYED BY employed personnel of Bayer Pharmaceuticals
PLAGUE:HUNGARIAN,-Death;White-Death-Plauge-18777827972743.23.84.68.c , Russian,Saberian-cold 183-7.56527.21-N4B3.Y.7 ,Covid-19 in (Bayer Lotrimin)Jockitch-Footpowder ;138-7N2Y473.HYBRID; ASIAN-SIBERIAN FLU in (Bater Deodorants) Antiperspirant ,Please Have Retailers Remove From Markets of supermarket and pharmacy shelves before people killl themselves or others with it !
The Spray Canister
From Bayer Pharmaceuticals Company others Germany; [I don’t Like Unions ]
Deathly Spray of powder has become the fire arm ! / Please research and check all Bayer Spray products Fastest this Virus Colds And Plagues will kill ALL !
Bayer Manufacturing /Distribution Every Pharmacy , Walmart , Grocery Store , Online Purchases, Wide Disbursement of Flues
Evil is here terrorist-war strike like for sure 911 Run-ForSafety People 10/12 is here White Plague U.S. Stiffeling moves Creaters in wrongfufl criminal act.;. if you will Genocide In Heart And Head Born Identities Valors-NO.2127 World Worest Night-Mear’s STARDATE914149794SystemPanetaryEarthVenusrock.nowtime- Aleart4249-Tectonic Events/ Navy now time down bads works of navy ; restart ARMY so times are off for now soon new star-up of majortom.4274.42.86;.-92O3stardateearthclock-scottridge TECTONICPLANETARYEARTHMARS-86;.ERAy2242.9 D done
*Jet-Lag and or GoodSleep
Dry Ingredients Combine in Bole 1 Cup King Arthur Flour ,1/2Cup Buckwheat , 1/2 Cup Egyptian Chamomile Flour,1teaspoon Salt
1teaspoon Baking Soda, 2 teaspoons Baking Powder , 3 Tablespoons Sugar, Mix .
Wet Ingredients in bowl 1 1/2 ounces Vodka 3inch broken in middle rosemary, 8 ounces juice Orange, 1/2 cup whole milk, 1 tablespoon almond vanilla, tablespoon pomegranate molasse, 1eeg, 1eegwhite, 1/4 cup vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon horseradish; mix and combine with dry.
Add to recipe muffin 1 teaspoon horseradish,2tablespoons almond vanilla milk ,1/2 cup yellow raisins
Bake Bread With turkey Sandwich !
Grease muffin tin per heat oven 425f
Bake 10 min. set oven to 325f cook till done about 30
can be used for off pill and junk
I Got Covid-19 Scott Bryant Hall
Shoot : By Bayer Pharmaceuticals Corporation
Attention CDC and Doctors and Those in Need , you don’t like these you die . Send Scott Monies ,’He is out of money and very poor !”
Many Things You Need to Know Yesterday To save Your Life and Others That You Don’t !
Evil is here terrorist-war strike like for sure 911 Dudes Run For Safety
Red Alert _ Tectonic Events/ Navy now time down bads works of navy ; restart ARMY so times are off for now soon new star-up of majortom.4274.42.86;.-92O3stardateearthclock-scott ridge TECTONIC PLANETARY EARTH MARS-86;.ERAy2242.9
New Sattay-Earth’s Clock 22nd January 2023 10:49 Struck One-StarDate02949427 ;Scotts-Navy-Top Brass Ecossais, Ridge Cracked DownWard To EarthMantel And Cracking Through It Location Ventura Fairgrounds 50Yards off Shore Next To Pier as Well Santa Barbara Plate Opening West to Japan
HOT LIVE : Location 33.211N 115.644W California desert 17:18 March 31st 2023 422000volts oscillating ac and dc widerage amps4M
f2-949293-Y San Andreas Fault Massi ng ng Ring-9492.14SS9.L-c44448 Twelve . TroubleTectonics-924.Ccalifornia
I went diving at the ventura pier february 1995 cold as can be , burning sun shine ; didn’t find any pearls with NAVY-Eco found geologically unknown stompin 72000.5 ft into metal called the ridged-stice224.559.3-86 nowstardate62472791 Earth planetary System Venus 7123475.7324k-asalating-cueyxtatiyey 7-49499Y.C29y2 Energies of waves due the tectonic-clockworks of western Sahara Seayettya
Western Sahara’s Zenyatta Geological Earth Tectonics of Movement ; Japan Sayatta Clock Maeigienenamaite Geological Earth’s Tectonics of Movement of time and space; surprises Scott Ridge California Ventura Highway old song new huge tectonic continental stop , now in high development Mountain Range-86;.-of two hundred eighty seven thousand. will reach mass as in progress ; done deal in four months 97874723-March 2023 So this Means You
Thanks Baptized Scott
Worked And Crafted
New Florida and Western Sahara warings Broken-Bow-florida-stoneridge-japan-time Possible date january 3rd
2023 earthquake like-movements-tectonic-geoalchemy-earth-scott
STARDATE-earthmoon.venus.moon-earthmarsTIME-PLANETARYMARS meritime86.;. time.Y-P28-3494847437NINE-9 489472749 eastern time-4:94.19.4828384.574.627-marsmoon.PIEy 6287294774-SD-Yzzk H27147492. Tyzx D done
16.523 West by 26.431North year1918 BrokenBow
Primetime 86-314y.seven-degreesetime;879.3-28-71979d.run
Earth’s Clock
This area has stop movement and changed direction / outcome is, earth’s mantle alchemy of God ; expedition humanity’s stand ready steady fast in values.Thanks
Worked And Crafted Scott Bryant Hall
Alert Now in next few days-1213HRclocktimeY-1784-8228-3892-86.4.2267 location 34.262 N. 119.279 W.
4000 Megaton Explosive forces Scott Ridge Ventura 33.211 N. 15.686 W. STARDATEVENUS.y-721.Earth-1424433897-k-ndc.;86-.CLOCKTIME42-3-CALANDER-Armadeddon 42.924 gowoyt.3 D done
NEWS NEWS NEWS Dakhla Area off Coast of Africa west Seyatt . stopwheel radiation displacements
particle-waves Radiating 72.982M 9-4327974728.8232429678296yts.stardate-earth-pluto.earthmoon Kspy-94847923 D done
Thus Satta plate start 18-22-24
24.047 N. 22.324 W.atomic-radiation values now-rights 4274849743-Lyricsty .DARK MATTER-WAVES PROVE.col-724.3942-86;,-5megatonage-NYEYDY823-mG.13.6 DUE 12-21-22 1800HRS
Florida Satta Center Platewaydown east side 27.373 N. 81.562 westside centerplate 27.528 N. 82.617 W.
date its-on 12-21-22 17.3 rictascale possible separation of land mass .773-47.9threeK Ymiles.4milesup3milesthrough.5milesdown-727 y D done
Planet Wti-time-earth-Clock.Setatty ; Mica-Magnetic-Poles.
Earrings are this and these areas active – do not disturb aroch with caution
Seismically Volcanically active and due !
This means you.Lininer travels Atlantic Tectonic Plate in startdate 1718 due 2023 January 3rd. Satta; Plate 22.269 N: 19.686 W. Textoni Center Point off Florida coast ; 25.483 N. 70.313 W. Start Plate 17.644 N : 26.116 W , Directional travels enter Caldera Volcano 24.527 N : 94.570 W. 6262 ft below sea level magma chamber and filling startdate sg miles magma today StarDate 04942493 Solo Planetary System Earth Est. Past Meridian 2.11.497@231578gulf D done full magma 84.957.823.9487Y-Miles ; Texas Tectonic Center Snap Plate 31.203 N ;101.777 W ; Beline from Florida, Center of plate 29.535 N ; 112.852 W ; Center of Plate 30.297 N; 116.719 W ; Baja New Mexico up Coast Ridge Center Snap Plate ;~.- Tectonic Point of Origin SBH was here Alchemist in the field ; Plate Tectonic Point of Origin 34.217 N : 121.583 W ~ New Plate ; Ridge 42.9 miles Degree due west 97 82.392948.27@3 Scott California 4
Stop Snap Japan Scott ~ Tectonic Plate 32.694 N : 131.464
Warning Update Atlatic tectonic plate Sayta new foud Slam Sayta Plate coordinates are 23.324 N: 26.016 W
Start time Stardate 1997274719 Est. 9:37.7249742@374
32hrs Possible 33.2 to 17.9 variable easy 12.9 magnitude earthquake
Satta-Drive Location Western-saharaoceancoast 26.746 N. : 16.172 W. Pinwheel-Rotation;.-73.729487.27873-per-meter.per-min. Due to Stop 03-Jan-23 1:23.97823PM
Satta-Reverse Location Western-saharaoceancoast 26.116 N : 16.172 W. revers start Radical Rotation-Pinwheel;.-Pinwheel-due. 09-Jan-23
Satta Knock-37.055 N.:137.549 E.; Satta Revers-36.915 N.: 137.021 E. Rotation-Lenning-GO. 2758.285-perday
Satta-Stay-37.055 N.:137.549 E. Satta-Drive-37.282 N.: 137.255 E.;
17 Billion Metricton’s Japan is smaller that the Sahara’s
TExas–XTSuper-Couldera-489527827.473@piestartpiestop.tytX.483,8NG-.Todate.-86;.- 24-Nov.X.4832.782.9787-G.8-4Kxty.7-mG
Startdate 08-Aug-21;328797.47.94.8G.Eruption-Date. 29-Dec-22 PM Stardate-Mars-Saturn;01894192.3Ytwo.7 easternstanderedTime.4:23.PIE.1484942434728627.86Kyst,25.006;.North:Center-,93.122West
Turkey next two days 26-NoV-22 !8:02 hrs.;-3747.9232.Y.3
Latitude 40.988 N. : Longitude 29.883 E. – 9.1 magnitude #1 ; 2,7 magnitude #2 ; 9.9 magnitude #3
Latitude 39.640 N. : Longitude 29.882 E. 17 min from 12.35 So Due NOW 8.3 of numbering in next five hours !
SAN ADREASwaybig-MAGNITUDE-9.7lowest-14.7midrage-28-48.2highest. Jan-23 38.013 N.: 122.695 W.
7VarIabletimes-dates-.27-Nov-22 ; 29-Feb-23 D done
CAVERNEOUSVOLCANS-AREA.LATIDUDE 40.049-north;.-LONGITUDE 124.124-west. 1718 2-5-3-9-11c.3stop D done EARTH.WAVE-till-y.t.3-DATE-time.-28-FEB-23; 28-NOV-22 mG-7.8-vb-11.3 wave;tidel.78-:.-92C-13.-M.oregenBADNEWS
Goleta California : Volcanism Temperature 290 C 130 meters down 72787538 StarDate 23-NOV-22 EST.-9:28.96272237.9 Saytta.Volume.12743543.27-Rotation-4232972.984.3 Erupting-24-Nov-22 EST.21.848797927-HR RED ALERT-California-U.S.A.
Off Coast Seattle EarthQuake 26-NOV-22 EST.12.13.6274@74875747PIEStopSlap-movement
Located 48.049 N : 127.705 W SEAED Fragmented Movement Wave-Likely 1Hundred-2hundred-feet
TIME14-3min.34.479 N 120.020 . W 7. To 48hrs. 24-NOV-223.1MG Slide EST 7:18 AM-28 Rector
El Capitan 34.362 N:119.652 W Anytime Due 7.9 Earthquake
Ranch Area
2.4 Megaton Sslide 34.461 N : 120.245 W. StarDate Now 74849392-merrcury.mars-solosystem-planetary-EARTH.-492892.2 est.4-4:01.2277777.3.9-X-p.6748239Y.a.x2
San Diego Line Up
Same Day once they start best December 9th .2023
9-min. EarthQuake-32.612 N. : 117.433 W.-SattaPlateSahara 4.2.7 to 5.1 M
19-mn. EarthQuake-32.639 N.: 117.235 W.-SattaPlateSahars 7.3 to 9.2 M
37-min.EarthQuake-32.815 N.: 117.290 W.-SattaPlateSahara 8.2 to 8.4 M
23.9-hrs. EarthQuake-33.133 N.: 117.433 W.-SattaPlateSahara 9.1 to 6.3 M
Earth Quake’s On The Way
Goleta California : Volcanism Temperature 290 C 130 meters down 72787538 StarDate 23-NOV-22 EST.-9:28.96272237.9 Saytta.Volume.12743543.27-Rotation-4232972.984.3 Erupting-24-Nov-22 EST.21.848797927-HR RED ALERT-California-U.S.A.
Off Coast Seattle EarthQuake 26-NOV-22 EST.12.13.6274@74875747PIEStopSlap-movement
Located 48.049 N : 127.705 W Earth Fragmented Movement Wave-Likely 1hundred-2hundred-feet
Volcano Japan 36.173 N.: 137.E. Volcanism is Going hub-EXSPLOED-.39427294 STARDATE-SATURN.MARS-earth/slap-41827.275747.239 4-Jan-23 twenty three others-same day
34.053 North :120.103 West. Seyeayetta-moltonlava. HEAVY.42.273.942.869.4-MIL.CUBIC-FT.
going goleta Lava-Flow 723 miles 111.EARTH4.942.3897@MIL.e-JAPAN
MESA-SANTA-BARBARA going blow ME fore-304.47-8.2 7-Dec-22 magnitudes-shake-327,279 19megaton-explosion big-papae-bruce taylor.
XI-super-culdera-4895278-27.473@piestartPIE-stop.ttx.483,9N TTE;’-86 nodateNov.X.242.4.832.782.9787-G.38-4Kxty 23.388 N:94.952W. 7-mG
In and If Earth Cataclysmic post event occurring can assist
Please Locate Me for best futer work and human survival Please Travel me good science work area for the better of
SandH Enterprises SecretServiceSevenYardM-;-Interpol-;-CIA. SandH Enterprises SecretServiceSevenYardM;-Interpole;-R;-SecertServiceSevenYardM Air Water Ocean Reclamation U.S. and other nation forces my Startup StarDate Environmental water air ocean reclamations SBH Worked and Crafted SandH Enterprises 02-0403850 should with Navy Clock-Time as Well ARMY TO BUILD NEW FISH LADDERS AS WATER WILL BE BETTER AND PLENTIFUL FOR FISH HABITATION AND SPANKING !
Good Thanks Scott
Scott’sRidge Ventura California Planetary Terraforming about the last email looking for information to this, please place back date stolen 1172 code tower manhattan ; that letter and OTHERS IF YOU WILL IN this Security Area-44449.8ScottB.HallSystemswide 34.280 North:119.333 West.
PINNACLE DISPLACEMENTS movements;-. 74278432.-stardate STOP 02-dec-22 11.21PLANTARY.DATE/STAR; 8.43 am-.947424872-best-battery.edurite:-2Ktxyst.69.37:Earth.start-pie- EST-1.74
THANKS-012 SO – 991.7-2
Values to your’s thus our’s past and Present Materials Here and there Souly Crafted by I SBH
If Computable in its entierty and divisible for just commerce please Contack and Old Projects to New !
few of many please be appraised these are my soul solitary duties of my life-page, worked and crafted awl and all efforts , To your ingenious engineering account of demographic values is suggested as calculable in security or science-based areas,of yours and our Government and Private usage of industrial or business or personal usages of these material; to date or others of ours.As it is value many monetary ways to have added daily values in our commerce based industrial age with your company and livelihood , estimation in best ideals of in and out of war time of ours quality and qualified period, of lives or monies spent or saved or made in daily weekly monthly or yearly best personnel or computerized analysis consultations of unforeseen timely events ; Similar Pay as CEO and royalties are easily warranted for Hall~Mark Demographic percentages being 67%to I pioneering sole invetorith ;33% going to others wth reinventing from pioneered source engineers to have 6% ,3%from the 67% and 3% from
the 33% of good true valors of Commerce Values to correctly held by Establishment ; So Please Send assist for freedom righteous thy – Monies
I shall have other Physiology recipes and endeavors accomplished in good nature of legal commerce ;So in need of Privacy to accomplish this in good healt please Send Monies that may better my surroundings of good souls and our future endeavor expeditionary avial justly !
Please beware Location being best future working as needed and human survival hope yours is well Travel clear path and freely of harm’s way good science area for the better .
Crafted our’s MED~usa
Thanks Scott B.Hall in Care of ;
P.O. Box 194 Hebron New.Hampshire. 03241
we send as we discover-more ! Forward with work as needed as past God has seen thy now shall see I the new fight for freedom of humanities righteously as my endeavours truly Crafted we pray . D done
Scot-CIA.379.1-97.99117.1-9.8France/Scott-CIA.111.8-7-9ThriteenColnies/Scott’s-CIA.448.9United Federation of States Solo Systems Amicable Planet Earth Mars–Division 789442-2.91Statue in 472272-4 Ramelius .D done
World Duties PatrioticTable-Bed
Read this Letter may Affect your Truth of the Matter’s; U.S. Hold down the Fort ,tighten it up ; No Game1172. Stitch In Time Saves Nine U.S.Flag Nail awl and all of the message to wall or wood . ; Assistance, Reaped and Obliterated ,Englands of Mumu’s Queen Victoria Royal Coat of arms of Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha Britain Union Jack.French,Japan,China. Lifes, Watch*Towers Pandemic-fighter Physiologies Recipes for Health and Wealth, Almost Free ! Best Medical8-OrangeChicken Soup /For Cold or Flu-Killer*****(food for thought) Must These Days to Know ! *Opperations Environmentals CIAScott.717.1.7779-Division Blackwillow Securities SanadH Enterprises S.CIA 944.4-7 Star.Date; Earth Mars Planetary Maritime Stardate Navy Division Clocktime Blackwillow Security Privacy Act.749.7-7 Design and Crafted. (D done) Save for Rainy-Day! Print Hard Copy for Table, Righteous U.S. Flag, Let Freedom Fly’n Purity’s Reign over Narcotics
Thanks Scott , Saint -Archangels U.S. Star Banner Flag Blessing America